Hey, how’s it going?

My name is Denys, better known as “Deco” by friends. And who am I? Curious and creative since I was a kid, I used to call my games "projects", always inventing a new game or trying to understand how my toys worked - and yes, I broke some of them for being curious that way hehehe: -)

I realized over the years that my curiosity brings me a precious immersion to study and evolve my skills, I am happy to study, so today I would say that I am creative, curious and very studious. Nowadays I use my creativity and curiosity to solve problems - as a Front End Developer - and to create satisfying experiences for my clients and their costumers - With UI/UX Design.

I love cats and I'm a volunteer in an Non-governmental organization (NGO), you can learn more about the project on the website adoteumgatinho.com.br

I also love beers - Yeah, bring me a very chilled Weiss or Stout, please - and listen to some good Dark Country songs.

What about my professional skills?

    Web Developer

  • Semantic HTML5
  • CSS3, Flexbox & Grid
  • Javascript ES6+
  • API Integration
  • Git & Github
  • NPM
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • Domain & Host Settings

    UI Designer

  • Collor palette
  • Typography
  • Wireframe
  • User Interface Design
  • UX Heuristics
  • Prototype

What tools do I use in my workspace?

    Dev Tools

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Postman

    Design Tools

  • Figma
  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Color
Let’s gonna make awesome things together!